Lacunas of knowledge of flora and fungi of Brazil

This system’s goal is to facilitate the identification of taxonomic and geographic information gaps of Brazil’s flora by specialists. The reports generated by “Lacunas” use the Brazilian Flora Checklist (2012 edition) as its backbone and data shared by Brazil’s Virtual Herbarium of Flora and Fungi, part of the speciesLink network, as its information base.

The reports presented reflect the options made by the user when selecting specific filters. The data status of every species of the selected taxonomic group is presented in 4 categories: (I) without any records in the Virtual Herbarium; (II) with 1 to 5 records; (III) with 6 to 20 records; and, (IV) with more than 20 records. These categories follow the logic of the usability of species occurrence data for ecological niche modeling, where potentially, with 5 records one obtains a preliminary model, with 6 to 20 records an exploratory model and with more than 20 occurrence points a model with potential use for decision making. Before each species name, the report shows the number of records available in accordance to the filters used. If a species is considered endemic in the Brazilian Flora Checklist the icon for endemic will be shown beside the name. If the species is included in MMA’s list of endangered species, an icon will be shown next to the species in Annex I and for those species considered data deficient listed in Annex II.

If the species is included in Biodiversitas’ list, an acronym will be associated to the name ( Extinct, Extinct in the Wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable). These acronyms indicate the risk of extinction in accordance to IUCN’s extinction risk categories. A report on each species included in Annexes I or II is also available below.


Expected use of the reports

The reports presented in “Lacunas” were designed to help specialists in: This tool was developed by the Virtual Herbarium of Flora and Fungi with support from CNPq through its SisBiota program.