Data Sources
- Virtual Herbarium of Plants and Fungi/speciesLink network (January 12, 2025)
- Flora e Funga do Brasil (IPT of January 1st, 2025, v. 393.409, excluding cultivated and naturalized species)
- Official List of Endangered Species of Brazilian Flora – Act no. 148 of June 7, 2022 (Source: Minitry of the Environment, MMA)
- Biogeography of Flora and Fungi of Brazil (dynamic access)
Search Filters
- Taxonomic Filters: determine the taxonomic group, family, genus, or species to be analyzed, allowing the selection of species according to its origin, the inclusion of synonyms, and phonetic searches.
- Geographic filters allow the evaluation of the status of the data considering geographic coordinates.
- Endangered species included in official list of endangered species of Brazilian flora are presented with pre-selected search filters.
Structure of the Report
By the selected taxonomic group, family or genus
- The number of species separated into four groups: (i) those without records in the
Virtual herbarium; (II) with 1-5 records; (III) with 6-20 records; and,
(IV) with more than 20 records. This classification aims at showing the potential
for modeling the species distribution (exploratory, preliminary of consistent models)
- The number of species reported as occurring in a given state (Flora e Funga do Brasil), but which have no record in the speciesLink network.
By species
- Hierarchical classification according to the Flora e Funga do Brasil
- Conservation Status (Annex I or II MMA and Biodiversitas)
- Table comparing the geographic distribution by state of the Flora e Funga do Brasil with the speciesLink network
- Maps of species distribution: Flora e Funga do Brasil, speciesLink network, and potential distribution model
- Status and origin of data online: biological collection, year of collection, name status and geographic information
Expected usage
- Guide the work of new collections, priority species and geographic areas
- Assist in prioritizing digitization and georeferencing
- Assist in the identification of understudied groups, indicating the need for training of taxonomists
- Assist in the evaluation of the conservation status of species
SISBIOTA/CNPq, INCT - Virtual Herbarium of Flora and Fungi
How to cite
Gaps in Knowledge of Flora and Fungi of Brazil. INCT - Virtual Herbarium of Flora and Fungi.
Available at: (consulted on day / month / year).
Canhos DAL, Sousa MS-Baena, S. Souza, LC Garcia, R. De Giovanni, Maia LC, & Bonacelli MBM 2014.
Lacunas: a web interface to identify plant knowledge gaps to support informed decision-making.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (1), 109-131.